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Love not War .... said with flowers

Saturday March 12th saw the global flower industry use the power of flowers to create giant hearts proclaiming #LoveNotWar as a show of solidarity in the face of the horrendous conflict in Ukraine.

With installations from Bogota in Colombia to here in London, UK and all points in-between, the universal outpouring of love has been appreciated and noted by the public, many of whom have used the installations for a cheering and much needed happy picture.

The initiative … which is totally unbranded … has been a cross industry collaboration with wholesalers, logistics companies, PR companies and florists who have given of their time for free.

The rationale behind the campaign was simple. Developments over the past few weeks have already resulted in many companies within the floriculture sector to act and show support for the victims of war and conflict.

Within hours of the Ukraine invasion warehouses, where flowers and plants were usually traded, have been used to collect food, clothes, blankets, personal hygiene products and much more.

Instead of delivering flowers and plants, flower company trucks and drivers have been delivering aid, temporary housing has been offered to refugees and events and fundraisers – big and small - have been being arranged to raise money for the cause resulting in thousands and thousands of donations made to ensure emergency assistance is on its way to those suffering.

However, given we work with beautiful products that speak an international language of love and friendship, of gratitude and support, offer comfort, and, most of all, hope, it was felt a more public display was called for.

A few phone calls and emails later more than 30 heart shaped installations went on public display around the globe with the message #lovenotwar emblazoned across them.

This was found in Bogota, Colombia, see where else we found them via our Facebook friends network below.

With the powerful symbol of these hearts, the industry has shown its compassion and support, whilst connecting and inspiring more people to help and speak out against injustices.

The London Installation

Here in the UK, it was down to Morgan Douglas Nuth of Old Oak Floral Design in Ascot and Nicola Evans of Beau-k, Eastbourne to create the huge heart that took its place at Camden Lock, London.

Made at the London base of FleuraMetz, the heart shaped frame was covered in a sea of pinks and whites before being transported up to Camden Lock by Jane Packer team member Junior Abrahams who put the final installation in place.

Morgan Douglas Nuth, Old Oak Floral Designers, Ascot

Nicola Evans, Beau-k, Eastbourne

Junior Abrahams of Jane Packer and the FleuraMetz van used to transport the heart.

Hearts galore around the globe

There were over 30 installations ... we're still finding them on our internet hunt!! Here are the first 24 .... some of them unknown locations but all equally gorgeous and powerful.


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