It was called the Profit Busting Power Day but it was oh so much more than that as over 50 florists from throughout the UK convened in Bristol over the first weekend of April.
Some might call them mad to give up the first weekend after a belting Mother’s Day but to a man and woman the delegates raved about the event with comments ranging from “Loved the day”, “felt part of a very special group”, “Just what I needed to get my mojo back”, “Inspirational and Informative and “Absolutely blown away from what I learned!”
In fact, other than an observation that we needed more microphones and donuts should never be cut up (think hotel thought they were more manageable!!) there were no complaints and made organiser Caroline Marshall-Foster a very happy bunny.
Because as she explained to delegates in the closing remarks, plans can be made and expectations hoped for but unless the audience is happy, engaged and enthused it means nothing … handing out Super Star badges to everyone who took part in recognition of them giving up another valuable weekend in the pursuit of validating and improving their business.

Pictured: Caroline Marshall-Foster, organiser and owner of Florist Trade Magazine & Good Florist Guide, Reka Kurtos, Richard Eagleton, John Davidson, Tracey Rowbottom, James Crompton and Morgan Douglas Nuth - Conference Chairman for the Bristol Event.
The speakers, John Davidson of Tom Brown, Reka Kurtos of Annie Bloom, Richard Eagleton of McQueens, Morgan Douglas Nuth of Old Oak Floral Designers in Ascot, Tracey Rowbottom of Flowervision Bristol, Rebecca Barrett of New Covent Garden Market and James Crompton, newly appointed Features Editor of Florist Magazine were all awesome.
The information and ideas passed over was endless and the inspiration – particularly from Richard who ended the event with a stirring and encouraging call to action for every florist – palpable throughout the day.
From Reka, an instantly useable set of ideas on how to go green within a commercial retail environment got people thinking and actioning the next day as well as testing for themselves the various foam options while John made the question of finance so simple and easy to implement to ensure maximum profit and which will be followed up with some downloadable resources for delegates.
Meanwhile the Bingo session on Marketing may have been different but proved that there is so much more to promotion than just sticking a picture on social media and that it doesn’t have to be hard!
Special thanks go to Flowervision Bristol who didn’t just allow us to invade their wonderful cash and carry to make up designs for the oh so decadent venue but donated all the flowers as well and to Oasis Floral Products who covered Reka's expenses and sent in loads of samples of the different foams so delegates to try them themselves and see the options available.
You can see the event through the lens below but to really experience the power of our events you need to be there and why plans are now well under way for the next event … Florist Event in Manchester on 8/9 October.
Not just a full day of interactive sessions on the Sunday that will see you leave with both a financial and marketing plan but on the Saturday a hands on Sustainable Workshop, a special Saturday Night party that will be fun AND celebrate this years 30 Under 30 Awardees as well as some new categories being introduced and above all the chance to meet, talk with and learn from like minded florists too.
Booking lines will open soon … to be on the priority list email the organisers here … based on current feedback looks like its going to be a sell out!!
Here's just a taste of what happened in Bristol .... make sure you're in the picture next time!!