There are a large number of certifications which breeders, growers, suppliers, exporting and importing companies can obtain, such as GAP, MPS-ABC, MPS-SQ, GRASP, Rainforest alliance, KFC, Florverde, etc. In this overview, we briefly explain the meaning and purpose of each certificate.

The Ethiopian Horticulture Producer Exporters Association (EHPEA) is a horticultural association based in Ethiopia and works to develop the Ethiopian horticulture industry. The organization aims to promote the interests of its Ethiopian members who are engaged in the production and export of cut flower, fruit, vegetables, herbs, cuttings and vegetable seeds.

The Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) aims to promote the rights and working conditions of workers worldwide. Companies with an ETI certificate have committed to a code of labour practice that they expect all their suppliers to work towards. Such codes address issues like wages, working hours, safety and the right to join free trade unions.

Based in Colombia, Florverde is an independent social and environmental standard which ensures that flowers certified under Florverde have been responsibly produced. A ‘Florverde’ certification requires flower growers to adopt measures that will protect and enable worker’s rights, implement best environmental practices, and comply with national regulations. FSF also helps safeguard quality by requiring the proper care and handling of flowers.

FSI2025 (Floriculture Sustainability Initiative)
FSI2025 is not a certification, but a sector initiative and serves as a benchmark for the entire floriculture sector. The overall 2025 ambition of FSI2025 is centered around responsible production and trade, responsible conduct (reducing the carbon footprint and reducing the living wage gap of workers at farm level) and integrated reporting.

Certification system for Good Agricultural Practices (GAP). GlobalG.A.P. defines criteria to ensure good agricultural practices in nurseries and floriculture businesses. This standard covers all stages of production, from pre-harvest activities (such as soil management and use of fertilizer) to responsible water use, environment conservation, hygiene and safety measures during harvest, and worker health, safety and welfare.
The GlobalG.A.P Risk Assessment on Social Practice (GRASP) is a risk assessment on social aspects of a business, such as employee welfare and compensation levels but also health and safety aspects.

Kenya Flower Council (KFC) is the Kenyan association of growers and exporters of cut flowers and ornamental plants. The aim of KFC is to promote the responsible and safe production of cut flowers in Kenya and to protect the environment.
Companies that apply for a KFC audit will receive a 'KFC Silver' certificate after they have met the requirements of the chosen certification category. Only companies that hold KFC Silver are eligible for a KFC Gold certificate.
With KFC Gold, the businesses have proven to adhere to high social standards, have a plan for economic and business viability, actively protect the environment and employ trained managers and supervisors.

Growers with an MPS quality mark register the fertilizers used, crop protection, and the consumption of water, energy and waste. Points can be obtained per theme and, based on the total number of points and an on-site audit, the company is awarded an MPS quality mark: A+, A, B or C, with A+ being the highest qualification attainable.
Check out Viv Bradford's article which takes a closer look at MPS-ABC Certification System
An MPS-SQ certificate is an addition to the MPS certificate. With an MPS-SQ certificate the company demonstrates that it complies with national and international requirements regarding worker health and safety.

Rainforest Alliance (RFA) promotes collective action for people and nature. It amplifies and reinforces the beneficial impacts of responsible choices, from farms and forests all the way to the supermarket check-out. The seal allows you to recognize and choose products that contribute toward a better future for people and planet.
Further reading:

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