He may not be much use at making a cuppa but when it comes to making a delivery George Bell is a champ. So much so that he’s just won a driving session at Brands Hatch courtesy of the Floristry Trade Club.
George, who only became a delivery driver by chance, was nominated by his bosses at Passion Flowers in Dumfries. Run by Marita and Richie Dobson and their daughter Molly, they told the judging panel:
"George joined us 4 years ago, having been a loyal customer for 20 years, I even created his wedding flowers! His wonderful, now sadly late, wife Janette suggested he might be useful - we’re pretty sure it had nothing to do with getting under her feet!
If we had to sum up George ‘sheer exuberance’ would be the best description. He’s always early, his van is immaculate - a speck of dirt is guaranteed to put him in a bad mood - he never gets beaten by a destination even though he refuses to engage with SatNav technology - which in the rural regions of southern Scotland is serious testament to his navigational skills and he is most notable for singing “Happy Birthday” to every recipient, regardless of age, gender, weather or location; many an office has heard his dulcet tones!
During Covid he was a hero - working 7 days a week to help us - never mind being willing to wear special outfits for Christmas Day deliveries; the Elf one was particularly popular and if he’s not driving he’s making up Aqua Pack boxes and cutting lengths of string.
Add in the fact that he is incredibly engaging with our customers – be it telling them how to look after their gifts or reading the card if it’s one of our older clients – never mind always knowing when a bad joke or song will brighten up a tense moment, his boundless energy and willingness to pitch in makes him one in a million.”
And the judges agreed. OK there weren’t a million entries but George’s nomination did stand out and why the FTC Judging Panel decided to award him the top prize of a day at Brands Hatch to drive as no delivery driver should ever drive!
For George it was a complete surprise. “I can’t believe I’ve won a national competition
I was sitting having a coffee with a friend when I got the phone call to tell me I’d won, it was a complete surprise and I am very excited about Brands Hatch!!”
Asked what he liked best about the job he told us: “I love what I do and customers appreciate the extra service we go to whether that’s a wee birthday song, reading the card for someone who can’t, taking flowers into the home for more frail customers, or saying a great big congratulations. I enjoy making people happy. The younger generations do get embarrassed by it sometimes.
As for Passion Flowers it’s a fabulous place to work. It’s a very happy family-run business and it’s great to have friends and workmates like them. My wife passed away in April this year and everyone here has been so supportive, it just feels like another family.”

George in festive mode ... and the more conventional look! The cheery smile though stays the same!