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Quick and Simple Easter Design Inspiration

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Easter is early this year, coming at the end of a frantic period that saw two peaks, Valentine’s Day and Mother's Day in close succession. If you feel you’ve run out of creative juices, we’ve pulled together some Easter design inspiration that is inexpensive and easy to put together but still has bucket loads of customer appeal.

 Making the most of seasonal flowers and foliage is the key to affordable designs

Making the most of seasonal flowers and foliage is the key to affordable designs and especially at Easter when there is such an abundance of beautiful blooms that can be combined with quirky accessories; bunnies, eggs or ribbon to make pick-up-and- go items your customers won’t be able to resist.  

The key to keeping it simple:


  1. Choose inexpensive flowers or plants, but ones that work well when combined with others, i.e. similar colours or contrasting textures. 

  2. Go for unfussy containers, they will show off the designs more effectively. And make sure they are watertight and clean before they go on show. 

  3. One block of colour or one type of flower massed together has more impact. 

  4. Use decorative picks that can be easily removed and stored for next year, should you have anything left over. 


Tete a Tete Easter Design Inspiration

Tete a Tete Easter Design Inspiration

A classic Easter gift, and so simple to make.

Convert a spring planted bowl into an Easter gift just by adding a few simple seasonal touches. Don’t forget the extra selling point that the bulbs can be planted out in the garden once they have finished flowering to come up again next year.  

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