Green plants are TRENDY! So here is our first trend of 2024 - Healing Plants.
Entering a new year is the perfect time to set healthier routines and it is expected that self-care as a trend will continue in 2024. From January through to spring is the best time to get fresh plants in. It’s a great period for selling plants, and making your customers aware and enthusiastic about their healthy impact. Green plants purify the air, but also mentally, many studies have shown, that plants are green medicine.

Purifying Air
The quality of the air we live in is important for our health and well-being. Filling the living room, office or classroom with fresh plants helps. And green plants are a fantastic product to promote with this trend.
Take advantage and promote air purifying plants to your customers and also healing plants like Aloe Vera and Eucalyptus which are products that match this trend. Aloe is no stranger to main stream health and beauty wellness, you see this popular succulent as an ingredient in your after-sun skin care products and in trendy waters in your health food stores. Aloe Vera is also an easy to care for house plant as it requires very little to look after.

Plants as Gifts
Besides a plant such as Aloe Vera, that has healing sap, having plants around your home or office is healthy. It is said to refresh the air, but it also makes your home and work environment happier to live in. Plants are often an underestimated fresh product, that can be given year round as a gift.
Inspire your customers by presenting them in groups, give information about the plants and add some nice pots to upgrade and upsell. Baskets and rustic pots with natural colours complement this trend.
Make sure to add plants to your website and always have them on offer, mark them as the “healthy choice” or every once in a while recommend a plant as a gift instead of a bouquet.
Try it! Recommended examples and varieties are:
Aloe Vera
For more recommendations for plants try Plants for Romance, Know your plants - Choosing the right plant for the right place or check our all our article about plants.
Be Happy , be healthy – BUY A PLANT. #2024

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