Whilst it may be thousands of miles away from many of us, the support for Ukraine is strong and many florists and wholesalers are getting involved to raise funds for the country as well as arrange transportation of much needed goods.
We can’t include everyone but here is just a taste of what’s happening.
Up in Carlisle Vandella Flowers are making door and car bows at £5 with all profit going to a Ukraine charity.
Over in Preston The Bloom Room have already sold 100 of their special blue and yellow £40 wreaths (see top picture) with proceeds going to the Red Cross Ukraine Crises Appeal
Down in Bristol, leading wholesalers Flowervision are selling sunflowers at cost price which is enabling florists across the region, including Fleurtations in Bodmin and Bijoux Floral Design in Yate to offer special bunches, again with proceeds to the Red Cross.
Flower Circus, the people behind the popular weekly broadcasts and social media agency for Good Florist Guide, are actually based in Ukraine. This Friday they are using their platform to host a special demonstration featuring the design skills of Mark Frank … another way of raising funds.
Over in Holland whilst many growers and exporters are now unable to ship flowers into the area, they are making use of the empty trucks to send food, clothing and medical supplies.
MMFlor, a major supplier to Russia, sent their first truck load on Monday 31st with more to follow whilst here in UK the agriculture sector is also getting involved with people like John McArthur and Oliver Harrison co-ordinating relief routes.
And throughout the UK many florists are creating dedicated window displays to show their support like Flower Theatre in Scunthorpe.
If you are doing anything let us know by emailing hello@purplespotted.com and we’ll try to include it in our next round up.