Have you registered yet to take part in this brand new awareness day for our industry?
Taking place on Saturday 8th June, National Florist Day is set to be a celebration of the wonderful world of flowers, floristry and, of course, every type of florist. It’s a great opportunity to promote your business to your local community, to raise awareness of all the fabulous things you do and to generate sales.
How will it work?
Just like Red Nose Day, McMillan Coffee Mornings etc, National Florist Day will be a combination of consumer facing PR and marketing, some originated by the organisers but predominantly led by florists ‘doing their thing’ around the UK and Ireland.
Why take part?
Being able to shout loud and proud about your skill and your industry is paramount. A real case of proving it’s not just playing with flowers! Obviously generating sales is important but being part of a movement that is working together to share the same message is key and will make the day so much more powerful. It’s a way of creating local customer awareness, interest and connection without looking like it’s a hard sell.
By using our prompts and adding in our traffic building ideas florists can put out strong messaging that will get more people to connect with them.
What’s happening?
Key to making this day of celebration a success is the marketing tool kit which will be sent free of charge to every registered florist. The content will also form the basis of consumer facing promotion and PR.
What's in the Marketing Tool Kit
1. I'm in the Movement decals and logos to use on all of your marketing channels.
2. Step by Step and Day by Day Guides to making the most of your involvement.
3. Ready to use Press Release templates and guidance on liaising with the media.
4. Social Media Assets – a range of designs to cover all messages.
5. Banners for website and social media pages
6. Instagram challenge themes/messaging/ideas
7. Marketing and traffic building ideas
8. “How to do it” webinars.
Website Hub
There will be a website dedicated to National Florist day which will be home to stories about the industry, what it does, what it is doing, especially in relation to sustainability, who is involved, how it all connects and why floristry is a serious career option!
Faces of Floristry
This has been created as a way to honour all the heroes in the industry be it growers, wholesalers, suppliers, florists, tutors, students and drivers. Nominations must be submitted on the special form and include a reason and photograph, but all nominees will receive a special ‘I’ve been nominated’ digital asset and go forward to the grand selection Panel on May 15th. The top 100 will receive a special digital certificate, be featured on the National Florist Day website, and be included in consumer promotion of the day.
Flower of the Year
We’ll be creating a list of ten (or maybe more) iconic flowers that we reckon every home should have! We will invite people to submit suggestions and why but will also create a series of Flower in Focus assets which can be used by everyone. The Clematis is our first one!
Songs for Florists
We’re creating a NFD Playlist and will invite florists to nominate their own songs for it … obvs Miley Cyrus will be in there!
Facebook Group
We’ll be setting up a Facebook group just for stakeholders and florists registered to take part. Not only will this allow us to share tips and tricks but create a unique self-help and supportive community.
So, if you really care about floristry and the future of our industry, sign up for National Florist Day now, (it's FREE!)
Registration closes on 20th April.