Dianthus, or carnations as they are universally known, are a little like Marmite, some people love them, some can happily live without them. They should be a firm favourite for all though, as they are utterly reliable, long-lasting and are grown in a huge spectrum of colours. They may not have the delicate charm of spring flowers, the wow factor of bold Hippeastrum or the heady perfume of lilies, but they suite every occasion and where would we be without them?

Different Types of Dianthus
Standard carnations have a single open flower at the top of a long, slim stem. Spray carnations have at least five, if not more, flowers on each individual stem. Pinks (Dianthus plumarius) are short stemmed and sweetly scented and are a seasonal gem, available in the summer months only. They all share the same characteristics though, longevity and dependability.