Have you heard the saying “THE BEST THINGS IN LIFE ARE FREE” Well this can be true if you use this inexpensive idea to promote your business to a new customer base with instant results.

I can hear you say, what sort of marketing concept does this? Well read on my fellow florists and hopefully it works for you as much as it has worked for us.
It’s not only a very inexpensive marketing tool but it also allows you to control how much you want to spend and allows you to target specific customers with instant gratification.
First, purchase approximately 40 rose stems or search in your supplier’s weekly flower offers. Place each flower stem in a sleeve and attach your shop details. Decide which type of new customer you’re targeting such as couples, millennials or men. Then head out onto your local shopping streets and give out these stems to your chosen targets.
Another TOP TIP: don’t give out all 40 stems at once as the free flower vultures may swoop; just take a few at a time. The key to making this work is what you say, it is this that makes the lasting impression to your new customers and this is essential.
We say “with compliments from” or sometimes we say “we wanted to give you a smile”
You will be surprised how much the recipient appreciates and remembers this wonderful gesture; it sets you apart from your competitors, provides a great first impression and provides a talking point about your business.
No matter what type of flower you give away, Scott Adams* said “There’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end”
Carol Parr – florist and business owner at Flower Tops in Rhyl
*Scott Adams – author of “How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big”